Come forth, Divine Traveler---

"Are your feet weary, traveler? Making your way through the seemingly endless expanse of woods, I'm sure you must be tired. I'm sure the past few days you've been unsure what's real and what isn't, what's tangible and what is hallucination. Well, now you've stepped through the veil. Free from the blighted Wildlands and the heart of Labyrinth. You're not the first traveler who's emerged from that place; unaware of what world you've stepped into. Come sit with me and I'll explain to you the way our world works."

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Welcome to Luxia. This site serves mostly as a worldbuilding and OC archive! Luxia Atrum is my primary OC setting, and also where I run all of my D&D games. While this world was originally intended to be purely for D&D, I have since adapted it to be much more of an original work. So if you notice some overlap with D&D lore, races, or classes, that's why!

Luxia Atrum is a gaslamp fantasy setting set in an original world. It follows a polytheistic pantheon and is in a post-post apocalypse. My major influences are Victorian Gothic horror, Bloodborne, and FFXIV/JRPG! Keeping this in mind, please note that my setting is based in Horror. There will be horror, body-horror, gore, and unsavory topics aplenty! I try to handle things with as much tact as I possibly can. Similarly, I am obsessed with medical aesthetics. So if that is something that bothers you, turn back now!

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I currently have no active campaigns, but when I do I'll put the information here~!

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Base code by worldofangels~!Edits and finetuning by me~!♥♥♥
Goth anime girl